How To Use Siri On Apple Watch 7?

Are you struggling to figure out how to use Siri on your new Apple Watch 7? You’re not alone! Many users find themselves puzzled when it comes to utilizing Siri’s features on this latest wearable device. But fret not, because in this article, I will share my experience and provide you with a solution to this problem.

As someone who works for a website that reviews thousands of wearable products, including the Apple Watch 7, I have had the opportunity to explore its features extensively. Siri, the virtual assistant, is undoubtedly one of the standout features of this device. However, navigating Siri’s capabilities on the Apple Watch 7 can be a bit tricky for beginners.

In my opinion, Apple has made some changes to the Siri interface on the Apple Watch 7, which might be causing confusion for users who are accustomed to previous models. But fear not, as I have delved into the intricacies of using Siri on the Apple Watch 7 and have discovered some helpful tips and tricks. So, if you’re looking for a solution to your Siri woes, stay tuned, because I will guide you through the process step by step in this article.

How To Use Siri On Apple Watch 7?

Setting up Siri on Apple Watch 7

To begin using Siri on your Apple Watch 7, you first need to ensure that it is set up and ready to use. To do this, simply navigate to the Settings app on your watch, tap on Siri, and then toggle the “Hey Siri” feature to enable it. This will allow you to activate Siri by simply saying “Hey Siri” followed by your command.

Activating Siri on Apple Watch 7

Once Siri is set up, you can activate it by either raising your wrist and saying “Hey Siri,” or by pressing and holding the Digital Crown on your watch. After activating Siri, you can ask it questions, give it commands, or use it to control various features and functions on your Apple Watch 7.

Using Siri for Voice Commands

Siri on Apple Watch 7 can be used for a wide range of voice commands, such as setting reminders, sending text messages, making phone calls, and even controlling smart home devices if they are connected to your watch. Simply activate Siri and then speak your command clearly and concisely.

Getting Information from Siri

In addition to voice commands, Siri can also provide you with information on a variety of topics. You can ask Siri questions about the weather, sports scores, news updates, and much more. Siri will then provide you with the relevant information directly on your Apple Watch 7.

Customizing Siri Settings

If you want to customize the way Siri works on your Apple Watch 7, you can do so by going into the Siri settings on your watch. Here, you can adjust things like language, voice feedback, and app integration to tailor Siri to your specific preferences and needs.

Using Siri Shortcuts

Siri Shortcuts are a powerful feature that allows you to create custom voice commands for specific actions or tasks. You can set up Siri Shortcuts on your iPhone and then use them on your Apple Watch 7 to streamline your daily routine and make using Siri even more efficient.


Siri on Apple Watch 7 is a powerful tool that can help you stay organized, get information, and control your devices with just your voice. By following these simple steps and utilizing the various features and settings available, you can make the most of Siri on your Apple Watch 7 and enhance your overall user experience.


1. How do I activate Siri on Apple Watch 7?

To activate Siri on your Apple Watch 7, simply raise your wrist or press and hold the Digital Crown button until Siri appears on the screen. You can also use the “Hey Siri” command by saying “Hey Siri” followed by your request. Siri will then be ready to assist you with various tasks and queries on your Apple Watch 7.

2. What can Siri do on Apple Watch 7?

Siri on Apple Watch 7 can perform a wide range of tasks. It can answer questions, set reminders, send messages, make calls, provide directions, control smart home devices, play music, set timers, and much more. Siri acts as your virtual assistant, helping you navigate and interact with your Apple Watch 7 more efficiently.

3. How can I send a message using Siri on Apple Watch 7?

To send a message using Siri on your Apple Watch 7, activate Siri by raising your wrist or pressing and holding the Digital Crown button. Then, say “Send a message to [contact’s name]” followed by your message content. Siri will transcribe your message and ask for confirmation before sending it. You can also dictate punctuation or use voice commands like “new line” to format your message.

4. Can Siri make phone calls on Apple Watch 7?

Yes, Siri can make phone calls on your Apple Watch 7. Activate Siri by raising your wrist or pressing and holding the Digital Crown button, then say “Call [contact’s name]” or “Dial [phone number].” Siri will initiate the call for you, allowing you to communicate hands-free through your Apple Watch 7.

5. How can Siri control smart home devices on Apple Watch 7?

Siri can control compatible smart home devices on your Apple Watch 7 if they are connected to your Apple HomeKit ecosystem. Activate Siri by raising your wrist or pressing and holding the Digital Crown button, then use voice commands like “Turn on the lights” or “Set the thermostat to 72 degrees.” Siri will communicate with your HomeKit-enabled devices and execute the requested actions.

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