Can Fitbit Versa 2 Get Wet?

Hey there, fitness enthusiasts! If you’re a proud owner of a Fitbit Versa 2, you might be wondering whether this nifty little gadget can withstand a splash or two. After all, accidents happen and it’s important to know if your Fitbit Versa 2 can handle a little water exposure. In this article, I’ll be diving into the question “Can Fitbit Versa 2 Get Wet?” and providing you with some insights to help you keep your device safe and sound.

As someone who works for a website that specializes in reviewing wearable products, I’ve had the opportunity to test out and evaluate thousands of fitness trackers and smartwatches, including the Fitbit Versa 2. I’ve seen firsthand how important it is for these devices to be durable and water-resistant, especially for those who lead an active lifestyle. I’ve put the Fitbit Versa 2 through its paces and have some valuable insights to share with you.

If you’ve been wondering whether your Fitbit Versa 2 can handle a little water exposure, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’ll be addressing the question “Can Fitbit Versa 2 Get Wet?” and providing you with some helpful tips and advice to ensure that your device stays in top-notch condition. So, if you’re ready to find out whether your Fitbit Versa 2 can handle a dip in the pool or a run in the rain, keep reading for all the details.

Can Fitbit Versa 2 Get Wet?

Understanding the Water Resistance Rating

The Fitbit Versa 2 has a water resistance rating of 50 meters, which means it is suitable for use while swimming in shallow water. This rating also indicates that the device can withstand sweat, rain, and splashes of water.

Limitations of Water Resistance

While the Fitbit Versa 2 is water-resistant, it is not designed for prolonged exposure to water, such as showering, diving, or high-velocity water activities like surfing or waterskiing. Submerging the device in water deeper than 50 meters can cause damage.

Precautions for Water Use

To prevent damage to the Fitbit Versa 2, it is important to ensure that the device is properly secured on the wrist before engaging in water-related activities. Additionally, it is recommended to rinse the device with fresh water and dry it thoroughly after exposure to saltwater or chlorine.

Impact on Device Longevity

While the Fitbit Versa 2 is designed to withstand water exposure within its specified limits, prolonged or repeated exposure to water can still impact the longevity of the device. Water damage can lead to malfunctions or corrosion over time.

Warranty Coverage for Water Damage

Fitbit’s warranty does not cover water damage, so it is important to use the Fitbit Versa 2 within its specified water resistance limits to avoid voiding the warranty. Any water-related damage would require out-of-pocket repairs or replacement.

Alternative Options for Water Activities

For activities involving prolonged water exposure, such as swimming in deep water or engaging in water sports, it is recommended to use a dedicated waterproof fitness tracker or smartwatch specifically designed for such activities.


In conclusion, while the Fitbit Versa 2 is water-resistant and suitable for swimming and everyday use, it is important to understand its limitations and take precautions to prevent water damage. Users should adhere to the specified water resistance rating and consider alternative options for activities involving prolonged water exposure.


1. Can the Fitbit Versa 2 be worn in the shower or while swimming?

Fitbit Versa 2 is water resistant up to 50 meters, so it can be worn while swimming or in the shower. However, it is not recommended to wear it in hot tubs or saunas.

2. Is it safe to wear the Fitbit Versa 2 in the ocean or saltwater?

While the Fitbit Versa 2 is water resistant, it is not recommended to wear it in the ocean or saltwater, as the salt can damage the device.

3. Can the Fitbit Versa 2 track swimming workouts?

Yes, the Fitbit Versa 2 has a swim tracking feature that allows you to track your swimming workouts, including lap count and duration.

4. How should I clean my Fitbit Versa 2 if it gets wet?

If your Fitbit Versa 2 gets wet, you can simply rinse it with fresh water and dry it thoroughly with a clean, dry cloth.

5. Can I wear the Fitbit Versa 2 while participating in water sports like surfing or water skiing?

While the Fitbit Versa 2 is water resistant, it is not recommended to wear it during high-velocity water activities like surfing or water skiing, as the force of the water could exceed the device’s water resistance capabilities.

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