Garmin Connect

Can You Print From Garmin Connect?

Have you ever wanted to print your workout data from Garmin Connect, but didn’t know how? If so, you’re not alone. Many people have struggled with printing from Garmin Connect, and it can be frustrating when you want to analyze your data or share it with others. But fear not, because in this blog post, I will explore whether or not it’s possible to print from Garmin Connect, and if so, how to do it.

As someone who works for a website that reviews thousands of wearable products, I’ve encountered many questions about Garmin Connect and its functionality. While Garmin Connect is a great tool for tracking your fitness activities, it can be difficult to navigate at times. I’ve heard from many users who want to print their data from the platform, but don’t know how to do it. In my opinion, this is a common issue that needs to be addressed.

If you’re one of those people who wants to print from Garmin Connect, you’re in luck. In this article, I will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to print your workout data from Garmin Connect. I’ve done the research and tested various methods, so you can rest assured that the solution I provide is reliable. So, if you’re ready to learn how to print from Garmin Connect, keep reading!

Can You Print From Garmin Connect?


Garmin Connect is a popular platform for fitness enthusiasts to track their workouts and monitor their progress. However, one question that often arises is whether it is possible to print from Garmin Connect. In this article, we will explore this topic in detail and provide you with all the information you need.

Understanding Garmin Connect

Garmin Connect is a web-based platform that allows users to track their fitness activities, set goals, and monitor their progress. It is compatible with a wide range of Garmin devices, including fitness trackers, smartwatches, and bike computers.

Printing from Garmin Connect

Unfortunately, Garmin Connect does not offer a direct printing feature. This means that you cannot print your workout data or other information directly from the platform. However, there are some workarounds that you can use to print your data.

Workaround 1: Take a Screenshot

One way to print your data from Garmin Connect is to take a screenshot of the information you want to print. You can then paste the screenshot into a document or image editing software and print it from there.

Workaround 2: Export Your Data

Another option is to export your data from Garmin Connect and then print it from a spreadsheet or other software. To export your data, go to the activity you want to print, click on the gear icon, and select “Export Original.” You can then open the exported file in a spreadsheet program and print it from there.


While Garmin Connect does not offer a direct printing feature, there are workarounds that you can use to print your data. Whether you take a screenshot or export your data, you can still get a hard copy of your workout information. We hope this article has been helpful in answering your question about printing from Garmin Connect.


Can I print my activities from Garmin Connect?

Yes, you can print your activities from Garmin Connect. To do this, go to the activity you want to print and click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner. From there, select “Print” and follow the prompts to customize and print your activity.

Can I print multiple activities at once from Garmin Connect?

Yes, you can print multiple activities at once from Garmin Connect. To do this, go to your “Activities” page and select the activities you want to print by clicking on the checkboxes next to each activity. Once you have selected all the activities you want to print, click on the “Print” button at the top of the page and follow the prompts to customize and print your activities.

Can I print my training plan from Garmin Connect?

Yes, you can print your training plan from Garmin Connect. To do this, go to your “Calendar” page and click on the training plan you want to print. From there, click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner and select “Print” to customize and print your training plan.

Can I print my workout details from Garmin Connect?

Yes, you can print your workout details from Garmin Connect. To do this, go to the workout you want to print and click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner. From there, select “Print” and follow the prompts to customize and print your workout details.

Can I print my health data from Garmin Connect?

Yes, you can print your health data from Garmin Connect. To do this, go to your “Health Stats” page and select the data you want to print by clicking on the checkboxes next to each data point. Once you have selected all the data you want to print, click on the “Print” button at the top of the page and follow the prompts to customize and print your health data.

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